Environmental Consulting
Geosys Enterprise Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is providing services mainly in Environmental Consultancy, Geo-Informatics, Water Treatment, and Water& Waste Management.
Our range of services includes:
EIA Consultancy Services
Compliance Environmental Consultancy Services
Environmental Audits
Environmental Baseline Study and Data Services
Waste Management
Statutory Clearance
EIA Consultancy Services
Geosys Enterprise Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has strategic empanelment MoU’s with some of the NABET (Quality Council of India) accredited EIA consultants across PAN India. We deal mainly in Mining, Building and Construction Projects, Area Development Projects, Pharmaceuticals/ Bulk Drug Industries, Highways and Power Plants.

Compliance Environmental Consultancy Services
Annual compliance consultancy services
Environmental Audit/ Form-V
Preparation of Environmental Statement
Formulation and implementation of Environmental Management Plans
Environmental Monitoring for Air, Noise, Water, Soil, Meteorology, etc.
Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual report submission to State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)
Site-specific redevelopment plans as per MoEF&CC and World Bank Guidelines
Implementation of general and specific conditions of Environmental Clearance
Environmental Audits
Water Audit and Water Budgeting
Energy Audit
Safety Audit
Environmental Audit/Form-V

Environmental Baseline Study and Data Services
Micro-meteorological data collection by automatic weather stations and preparation of wind rose diagram
Point, line and area source emission monitoring and modelling through mathematical models
Noise measurement mapping and modelling
Water modelling
Socio-Economic and House-Hold Surveys
Land Use Land Cover (LULC) studies/mapping by Satellite Image Processing
Ecological Surveys
Environmental Baseline Data Collection for Ambient Air, Noise, Water and Soil
Stack Emission/ Flue gas Monitoring
Fugitive dust monitoring and Dust fall measurement
Preparation of site specific Environmental Management Plans(EMP), Site specific environmnetal redevelopment plans etc
Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
Hazardous Waste Management
Biomedical Waste Management
E-Waste Management

Consent for Establishment
Airport Authority of India
Chief Inspectorate of Factories & Boilers
Fire NOC
Map approvals and completion certificate from competent authority
Forest Diversion
Wild Life Management
NOC from central Ground Water Authority